Gloucester Church of Christ
"The churches of Christ salute you" ROMANS 16:16
2432 Hayes Rd. Hayes, VA 23072 (Physical Address)
2241 Hayes Rd. Hayes, VA 23072 (Mailing Address)
Phone: 804-642-6050
Sunday Service hours:
Bible Study: 10:00 AM (Current topic: Matthew's Gospel)
Morning Worship: 11:00 AM
Afternoon Worship: 2:00 PM
Wednesday Service hours
(Classes Held In Fellowship Hall)
Bible Study: 10:00 AM (Current topic: The Book of Romans)
Bible Study: 7:00 PM (Current topic: A Study Through The Prophets-Daniel/Jeremiah)
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Robbie Brunjes
2001 MSOP Graduate
Robbie Brunjes
2001 MSOP Graduate